Wheel chair along the meandering path;

Bless with sunshine, heart not enslaved by wrath.

Feel divine, heart takes ownership of pain;

Reign 0f binary chain gone, mind to gain.

Ying -yang balance, attune and adjust;

Choices overwhelmed, options hard to trust.

Modernity malaise and high prices;

Technology hike add to new vices.

Mundane world in disorder: in and out;

Chaos, corruption and conflict to shout.

Words and language cannot heal the divide;

Let the pain resides in self and untie.

Languages impart, smart art to depart;

Intuition points to the gut and heart.


I met Dr. Austin Htoo, a vibrant Senior radiologist at SGH. He was 80 years plus, not only working full time, but (from the handshake) doing his own domestic chores, and workout in the gym. He read most of my poetry and told my daughter he wished to meet me. That was in late May 2024. We had Dim Sum at Taste Paradise Singapore. The senior scholar had a good knowledge and command of English and wished to know how I wrote my poetry. We sat on a table with a wide window, overlooking the garden at Shaw building. He requested me to write a poetry on the spot on the view outside. Unfortunately, I could not write one on the spot, even though most of my poetry were spontaneous. There are others who asked me similar requests, such as how long it would take me to compose one. I told them poetry comes to me on their own. I need to go over to the Shaw Garden to have the feel to write.

I was in a lot of pain and distress then . There was an infection of on knee wound, less than a month after the second surgery. Dr. Leong, my surgeon was on leave overseas. Through the good effort of my son in law, he managed to send him the photographs and clinical notes of my condition. I followed his instructions very carefully, to prevent a third operation. After about ten days of oral antibiotic and Silver dressing, the infection subsided yesterday. With recovery of mood and pain control, I wheeled my wheelchair to the park on the garden by the pool to have some sunlight.

Though my Chinese knowledge is very limited, I have read over and over again the basic Chinese classics and the basic Chinese language in traditional pictograph well . For instance, the Chinese traditional script, hao, consist of two radical, female and and male together. Most people will understand that as , if you have a pair of son and daughter together, it’s good. Well, it is not wrong, but it means the Ying and Yang integrate in balance; there’s you in me and me in you. It offers a different perspective, a little forward thinking than the duality. However, the world is much more complicated and complexed than that. The US and its allies are fixated on the “back seat driver” mentality, like to control from the back. They are lost given the opportunity of ” Front Seat”, despite all the advanced philosophy, psychology and sciences. This is sadness to the extreme. King Lear has to be blind to “see and listen” well The British has more to learn!

What is inside the white cartoon box? It is fermented Natto beans from Japan! It gives a strong pungent offensive smell, and very sticky. We mixed it with assorted rice, with boiled egg, and left over meat. Dr. Austin Htoo consume this dish about 2 to 3 times a week.

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